Do you have silver or blackened fillings that you wish to change into something more aesthetic-looking? Are your molars affected by small to moderate cavities? Are they cracked, fractured or do they show damage that is still not severe enough for a dental crown? Then our Costa Rica dental inlays or onlays may be a part of your treatment in order to fulfill your expectations! Remember that in order to qualify for porcelain inlays, your teeth must have at least 80% of their original structure present and intact.

Dental inlays are used to replace a small amount of tooth loss that might have been caused by tooth decay. Nowadays, you will find that inlays can be made of ceramic or porcelain, giving the restoration a tooth-colored finish. The difference with inlays, is that onlays extend onto the chewing surface os a back tooth to replace one or more cusps.

Costa Rica Dental Inlays vs Onlays vs Crowns

Ask our Doctors if you are a candidate for a tooth-colored inlay or onlay instead of a crown – Contact Us Here –.